1. How photo-editing came into photography and how people use it these days. Some of the other main points are how easy it is these days to actually change or edit the RAW photo.
2. They used to use it but is starting to ban it as it makes the news an unreliable source (fake news) and then their company gets a bad image put on them.
3. You could probably take out small unnoticeable parts of the image and change the colors to be more appealing to the eye for the picture to be edited but still look real and natural.
4. I really thought this photo was unethical because the person was inserted from a completely different photo and scene and she looks like she doesn't belong in the picture because the guy has sunlight on his back while she doesn't and the edges of her body are really sharp to the original photo so she looks like she doesn't belong.
5. I think is photo was the least unethical because of how they only got rid of the bird and changed the sky and the guy in the back right to where it still doesn't look fake and that norther parts of the photo were changed and it still looks natural and real.
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