Monday, September 17, 2018

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

1. Trying to get into some classrooms and some people didn't want their picture to be taken.

2. Mostly was framing and the people in the picture not moving or anything especially since it was a medium to low shutter speed. I shot at a higher Iso for a higher shutter speed to make sure there was less motion blur but the higher ISO added more grain to the photo.

3. I would definitely try and go to more classrooms knowing what I really need to do now.

4. Probably keep the same camera settings and go to the same classrooms.

5. Rule of thirds because we can adjust the where the subject is in the picture or framing because we just need them to move or the camera to move a little.

6. Avoiding merger's would probably be the hardest because in classrooms, we can't control what's in the classroom nor what is going on in the classroom as we're shooting.

7. Im still a little confused on merger's because I'm still not sure what exactly they are.

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