Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO

Top photo (F2.8)
Bottom photo (F16)
1. We should relate aperture to the lens on the camera because certain Lens' can only go so far with aperture.

2. The smaller the aperture, the shallower the depth of field and the brighter the photo. The higher the aperture, the larger depth of field and the darker the photo.

3. Aperture affects depth of field by what is actually focused in the photo and the more the camera would focus on certain subjects. The lower, the more blurred out portions of the photo are and the larger, the more in focus parts of the photo are.

Top photo: (by me, High shutter)
Bottom photo: (by me, low shutter)

Shutter speed:
1a. 1/160
1b. 1/80
1c. 1/400 (with a higher ISO)
1d. 1/320
1e. 1/20
1f. 1/400

2a. 1/8
2b. 1/5
2c. 1/400
2d. 3"
2e. 1/25
2f. 1/4"

The camera has 1/4000 which is used in very bright light or when shooting a very fast subject.
The camera also has a BULB setting which you can create your own shutter speed but it is used more often for longer exposures the camera doesn't have programmed. 
The camera also has 30" exposure which is a long exposure and should have a tripod to keep the picture in focus and not blur from moving the subject in the picture.

Top photo: ISO 200
Middle photo: ISO 3200
Bottom photo: ISO 6400
all taken by me :)

1. Shooting at a higher ISO allows the camera to be more sensitive to the light making the picture brighter and making the camera able to shoot at a faster shutter speed making the picture in normal light.

2. The author suggests a lower ISO to defend against a high noise/grain result in the photo resulting in higher image quality.

3. The author says, only when absolutely necessary shoot at a high ISO because it becomes really grainy and ruins the photo and says you should stick to base ISO.

Camera simulator:
Aperture settings: F2.8-F22
ISO 100-25600
Shutter Speed: 1 Second-1/4000th of a second.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Great Black and White Photographer

1.  I chose Minor White because his landscape photos looked very sharp and clean and looked pretty cool for his period in time that he lived in. his photos are also very filling and show a lot even in black and white. His pictures show what some landmarks looked like decades ago and they show the beauty of the U.S. back then too.
2. I see the sun blazing onto the two barns and grass and the blue sky as it starts to set.
I smell fresh air as the afternoon fades away.
I hear the winds and the quiet sounds of nature.
I taste the sweet taste of fruit that could be growing on the farm.
I feel the wind blowing on my face and the summer sun glowing on the earth and my skin.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

1. How photo-editing came into photography and how people use it these days. Some of the other main points are how easy it is these days to actually change or edit the RAW photo.

2. They used to use it but is starting to ban it as it makes the news an unreliable source (fake news) and then their company gets a bad image put on them.

3. You could probably take out small unnoticeable parts of the image and change the colors to be more appealing to the eye for the picture to be edited but still look real and natural.

4. I really thought this photo was unethical because the person was inserted from a completely different photo and scene and she looks like she doesn't belong in the picture because the guy has sunlight on his back while she doesn't and the edges of her body are really sharp to the original photo so she looks like she doesn't belong.

5. I think is photo was the least unethical because of how they only got rid of the bird and changed the sky and the guy in the back right to where it still doesn't look fake and that norther parts of the photo were changed and it still looks natural and real.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Academic Shoot Critique

1. I like the framing in the bottom left because you got the entire table in the photo with the people and I also like how in the top right picture you isolated the subject.

2. I feel like the top left or bottom left could've been different people for more variety and the top right could've been moved more right to get the table in the picture because the windows are a bunch of open space. Otherwise good job.

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

1. Trying to get into some classrooms and some people didn't want their picture to be taken.

2. Mostly was framing and the people in the picture not moving or anything especially since it was a medium to low shutter speed. I shot at a higher Iso for a higher shutter speed to make sure there was less motion blur but the higher ISO added more grain to the photo.

3. I would definitely try and go to more classrooms knowing what I really need to do now.

4. Probably keep the same camera settings and go to the same classrooms.

5. Rule of thirds because we can adjust the where the subject is in the picture or framing because we just need them to move or the camera to move a little.

6. Avoiding merger's would probably be the hardest because in classrooms, we can't control what's in the classroom nor what is going on in the classroom as we're shooting.

7. Im still a little confused on merger's because I'm still not sure what exactly they are.

Academic Shoot #1

 1. I chose this photo because the students are in the bottom third of the photo and I was following rule of thirds.
2. The subject in the photo are the students and the main one is the guy in the right bottom corner.
3. I think it is pretty clear but some people may be confused because of how low they are in the frame.
4. Maybe move the camera a little closer to the ground but at the same angle.

1. I chose this for balance because the students are 2 o each side, the teacher in the middle and the student on the left is balanced by part of the flag on right.
2. The main subject is Mrs. Feen helping the students out with their experiment.
3. Its pretty clear just looking at the photo but because the students are somewhat in focus too, it may not be as clear as to who the main subject is.
4. Blur the students a little but more and get rid of the flag and the girl in the back.

1. I chose this because the it looked pretty cool as the the string in the middle of the bubble made a hole in which you could put anything through as long as it didn't touch the string or the bubble.
2. The main subject is the pencil going through through the bubble.
3. It's clear to almost anyone on what the subject is, the pencil going through the bubble.
4. I feel the pencil is a little out of focus as the hand in the back is more in focus but it was such a short time I had to capture the picture that I had to shoot fast before the moment was gone.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Great Black and White Photographers PART 2

Biography of Minor White

Minor white was 68 when he died on June 24, 1976, being born on July 9, 1908. His job was a photographer of landscapes and of people and of abstract subject matter. He also taught art and photo classes at colleges and some at home and he was secretly gay most of his life as he would fear he would be hated in his life because of his time period he lived in. White lived many places in the U.S during 1940-1970's up before he died in 1976 in his house in Massachusetts. White has written a book called The New Zone System Manual.

Websites used:

Great Black and White Photographers

Top photo: Minor White
Middle: E.J. Belloc
Bottom: Micheal Meatyard

Friday, September 7, 2018

I like this photo and I chose it because it shows hard work and dedication to a certain task can help get stuff done.
A rule of composition that this photo demonstrates is simplicity and this is shown because the two people shown in the photo are building a structure or a house together.

I chose the photo below because it shows a group of hard working students working on what looks to be a science project.
I believe this demonstrates balance because it looks almost symmetrical with the way everyone is sitting at the table.

Action and Emotion

I believe this photo shows action and emotion because the person is in the air look excited and happy while jumping and there is very much action going on with the people bouncing here in the air and she seems to be very high in the air.

Most Interesting

This is the most interesting because the people are welding pieces of metal together. This is pretty cool because of how it all works and how cool it actually is to see it happen.

"The Story"

I used this picture for story because it shows what they were doing in science class that day. Holding fire. The kid seems exciting to be holding the fire. They were doing an experiment and it looks as if the class is watching him as he does this.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Prompt Shoot #1


Top Left: Square
Middle Left: Happy
Bottom Left: Bowie
Top Right: Metal