Wednesday, April 24, 2019


1. Alysa Shukar
2. Everyday people
3. One of the photos is blurry, one of the subjects is hard to find and some seem staged kind of.
4. The variety of photos and how average most of the people seem.
5. Not really because most of the photos the horizon just seems to be little bit off and it just kind of hurts my head.

1. Travis Haughton
2. Kids sports
3. There wasn't really a main central theme that the photos near the end didn't really connect to the rest of them. They said that the firefighter photo didn't really belong and that the firefighter didn't really look that important.
4. The girl with the snake was good because it shows how most kids react to seeing snakes and that the girl was perfectly in frame and the snake was good in focus along with the girl.
5. Good, the shots all looked nice but I agree with the judges on the theme just not connecting at the end.

1. Sam Adams
2. Mainly sports and motion picture
3. The judges on his motorcycle said it that it took away from the subject when he made it black. They said it would have looked much better if the photographer had made the subject light and visible instead of making him dark to make it look better. They also said that on the firefighter pic the taking the fire in focus along with the guy would have made it much cooler and much more pleasing to look at.
4. They said on the frozen driveway sweeping pic that the reflections didn't pop out too much and looked good along with the subject pushing the water off the driveway. Lastly they said that the photo of the skatepark that the sunset sky looked cool and to. be able to light up the skating too made the photo good.
5. I liked the photographer because he has a lot of good stopped motion shot and all of them are sharp too.

1. John Birnbaum
2. College students and sports
3. The judges didn't really like the photo with the id on the counter because the pants blended in with the bottom of the photo so the bottom was dark white the top was light. They also didn't like the football photo at the beginning because the yellow and orange instead of contrasting each other just kind of blended together and that was not the goal and it made it look bad.
4. The judges
5. I was kind of in the middle with thus photographer because he had some cool sports shots but the picture with the helicopter, I think could've been much better if it wasn't black and white and the sunset skatepark was cool with the shadows on the skatepark.

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