Wednesday, April 24, 2019


1. Alysa Shukar
2. Everyday people
3. One of the photos is blurry, one of the subjects is hard to find and some seem staged kind of.
4. The variety of photos and how average most of the people seem.
5. Not really because most of the photos the horizon just seems to be little bit off and it just kind of hurts my head.

1. Travis Haughton
2. Kids sports
3. There wasn't really a main central theme that the photos near the end didn't really connect to the rest of them. They said that the firefighter photo didn't really belong and that the firefighter didn't really look that important.
4. The girl with the snake was good because it shows how most kids react to seeing snakes and that the girl was perfectly in frame and the snake was good in focus along with the girl.
5. Good, the shots all looked nice but I agree with the judges on the theme just not connecting at the end.

1. Sam Adams
2. Mainly sports and motion picture
3. The judges on his motorcycle said it that it took away from the subject when he made it black. They said it would have looked much better if the photographer had made the subject light and visible instead of making him dark to make it look better. They also said that on the firefighter pic the taking the fire in focus along with the guy would have made it much cooler and much more pleasing to look at.
4. They said on the frozen driveway sweeping pic that the reflections didn't pop out too much and looked good along with the subject pushing the water off the driveway. Lastly they said that the photo of the skatepark that the sunset sky looked cool and to. be able to light up the skating too made the photo good.
5. I liked the photographer because he has a lot of good stopped motion shot and all of them are sharp too.

1. John Birnbaum
2. College students and sports
3. The judges didn't really like the photo with the id on the counter because the pants blended in with the bottom of the photo so the bottom was dark white the top was light. They also didn't like the football photo at the beginning because the yellow and orange instead of contrasting each other just kind of blended together and that was not the goal and it made it look bad.
4. The judges
5. I was kind of in the middle with thus photographer because he had some cool sports shots but the picture with the helicopter, I think could've been much better if it wasn't black and white and the sunset skatepark was cool with the shadows on the skatepark.

Video- Alysa Shukar

1. Alysa Shukar
2. Everyday people
3. One of the photos is blurry, one of the subjects is hard to find and some seem staged kind of.
4. The variety of photos and how average most of the people seem.
5. Not really because most of the photos the horizon just seems to be little bit off and it just kind of hurts my head.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Car Raid preview

1. My friend Patrick
2. This weekend
3. a. How old is the car? When did you buy it? How much was the car? Anything special about this car? What was the decision to get this exact car?
4. I should write down a lot of details about the story and the answers and everything about the car that is related to the questions I asked.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Landscape preview

1. Pictures or google earth of photos of the place and place around it to se what the landscape may look like before you go out there.
2. Google maps will help get to the place.
3. when zoomed in, you need to. use a high aperture to take the picture and everything becomes in focus.
4. By putting an ND grad filter on the lens to give the HDR effect.
5. A plastic bag to cover the camera, A lens wipe for rain on the lens, and a rag for the main body and the tripod.
6. Because it can help you find multiple viewpoints to take pictures of the subject from instead of just that one angle and picture.
7. It is more important because it can help get more creative shots than just the normal rule of thirds shots that you're "supposed" to follow when taking landscape pictures. You're not supposed to follow rule of thirds because the subject cold be like rocks or a mountain and that should usually take up the middle or the main part of the photo instead of the one of the thirds in the photo. Also, nature doesn't allows fit the rules and the rule of thirds may not be applicable to the photo you're trying to take.
8. The suggested method is to find out what the main subject I and try to not include to much to detract from the main subject and sometimes empty space is just good space in the photo.
9. Black and white is usually used in two different weather conditions because it just seems right and makes us think black and white. Overcast and gray or Fluffy clouds in a gray sky.
10. To make sure that you don't miss anything and you don't get everything in one go and revisiting locations require less planning on the trip and to see how it may look different each time.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

HDR snd merger questions

1.the spaces are different
2. A great place could probably be during a basketball game.
3. maybe marching for rotc
4. my rotc uniforms

Monday, April 1, 2019


3 different art drawings
2. AP testing
3. Captain marvel review

Opinion writing

1. The writer can try to relate to the reader about their opinion and make it sound confident to make sure the reader will get to their side and underside their opinion on a certain topic.
2. Make sure to be specific in your writing, being specific draws them in, while being bland and general draws them out and throws them away.
3. There are no extra points for the amount of facts you include, if the reader doesn't understand what you're trying to say, it doesn't work, Make sure not to start every sentence with I.

Final Exam preview

1. I usually take videos on my phone for instagram stories and also use it for snapchat and my streaks too.
2. They have much more things they can be used for and quality is better and is easier to use and the battery stays alive much longer because its only used for one certain thing.
3. Create a slideshow video of my images, Create a video where the photos change to the beat of the music, change the photos after 5 seconds but they are organized to make a story of a trip.
4. Using a process to where the stills will take up the entire frame.
5. I could add a song and make the photos go to the beat of the song.

Architecture Preview

1. Strong National Museum of Play, USA

1. The museum was made by Charles J. Lemony
2. It opened in 2005
3. The museum is in Louisville Kentucky                
4. The museum Is not private and is open for the public
5. There is not very much info on how much it cost to build
6. It was created to show all the different things that kept children entertained
7. I picked this building because it sounded like a children's museum and I remember going to one once and it was very fun to go through everything and it was one of the only museums in America
2. Kansas City Public Library, United States

1. The museum was made by Liam B. Barvles
2. It opened in 2010
3. It is in Kansas City MO
4. It is not private, it is a public library
5. it is free to enter
6. I picked it because it sounded like a cool place to visit since I've never been to Kansas City (well the actual city) and its in America.
7. It was created to give Kansas City a cool library and give the city access t books publicly and a great place to study
3. Sculptured House, USA

1. Made by Henry K. Royce
2. Opened in 1998
3. Jefferson county Colorado
4. Private house
5. it cost about 20 million to build
6. Created to show art and how we can start to build crazy things.
7. I picked it cause a sculptured house sounds very cool to see and look at and how it was built and it was also In the US

4. Habitat 67, Canada

1. Made Moshe Safdie
2. Opened in 1967
3. Quebec Canada
4. Private but can be seen from all around
5. Private
6. I picked it because habitat 67 sounds cool and if its in Canada, you know its weird so I picked it because it was in Canada and sounded cool
7. Created in an art show in 1967 and won first place so it stayed.
5. Nautilus House, Mexico

1. Made by Jose Gonzales
2. opened in 1972
3. Mexico City Mexico
4. Public
5. 15 usd
6. I picked it because it was in Mexico but also sounded very cool and I knew what it was too which made me picked it.
7. It was built because of the artists love of the sea and his grandma loved shells too so he made it for that.